To view this report as a PDF, click here. The budget passed by the General Assembly maintains the governor’s proposed cuts of 9 percent to many parts of government over...
In a new video describing the importance of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSCs) and Extended School Services (ESS) – programs the Senate budget cuts – Jackie Butts, a...
The model for performance-based funding outlined in the Senate budget proposal raises some questions and concerns about how the money would be distributed and what the likely outcomes would be...
To view in PDF format, click here. The Senate budget maintains the governor’s dramatic proposed cuts of nine percent to postsecondary education, parts of P-12 education and a wide range...
Senate leaders have raised a concern about the House’s inclusion of up to $10.5 million in their budget over the biennium to help cover health care costs for the uninsured...
The House budget bill builds on Governor Bevin’s proposed funding for KTRS and KERS and rightly restores his cuts to P-12 and higher education. However, it maintains reductions to other...
The major point of difference between the governor's budget and the House budget concerns the use of idle funds. The governor's plan sets aside $500 million in a new so-called...
In recent years, Kentucky has had among the largest state budget cuts to higher education in the nation and steepest tuition increases. By ending cuts to state universities and community...
To view this in PDF form, click here. The House budget reduces proposed cuts to education and selected other areas and provides additional money to fully fund the actuarially required...
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