Nearly half of elderly Kentuckians are economically insecure—meaning they either live in or are at risk of falling into poverty—according to a new study from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI)....
Because the expansion of Medicaid and creation of a state health insurance exchange will provide health coverage to several hundred thousand people, Kentucky will have workforce needs associated with meeting...
Another reason that Medicaid expansion and the rest of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is good for Kentucky’s economy is that it will help support the entrepreneurs and small businesses...
Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would increase border security, regulate future immigration flows, and formally extend the American dream to the 11...
There are many reasons to commend Governor Beshear’s recent announcement that Kentucky will be expanding Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Among the numerous important benefits of the ACA...
Governor Beshear's announcement that he’ll expand Medicaid in Kentucky included release of a report showing that expansion will result in a net savings of $802 million to the state budget...
The Medicaid expansion that the governor announced today means more Kentuckians will get the treatments they need to stay healthy while avoiding the risk of financial catastrophe should they get...
Federal legislation requiring internet retailers to collect sales taxes owed to states would aid Kentucky’s depleted budget and end the unfair advantage out-of-state sellers have over Main Street Kentucky businesses....
President Obama’s proposal to limit tax savings on itemized deductions and exclusions for high-income people would raise more than half a trillion dollars over the next decade while increasing taxes...
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